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Street Corn Elote-Style Risotto Al Salto | Recipeish | Gustus Vitae

  • Yield: 4 servings.
  • Time Estimate: Around 30 minutes.
  • Storage Notes: Enjoy immediately
  • Difficulty: Easy.

If you're in the midst of the excellent first-world problem that is leftover corn risotto, or if like us you just love this dish and deliberately make extra, here's quick to make delicious recipe for a simple weeknight meal, or the perfect appetizer for your next dinner party.     


  • 3 cups yesterday's risotto (here's our corn risotto recipe)
  • 1 large ripe avocado
  • 4-5 limes
  • 1 large bunch cilantro
  • 1 jalapeno
  • 2 spring onions
  • 1 tin Chuck's Dust
  • 4-5 cherry tomatoes
  • 2 eggs
  • 4 Tbs vegetable oil (or duck fat if you have)
  • In a large bowl, scramble eggs and combine with risotto.
  • Bring a large cast iron pan to high heat.
  • Form risotto into small balls, then press flat with the palm of your hand. Try to make all the risotto discs as uniform as possible so they cook evenly - we use a ring form mold to get them all just so.
  • Add oil to pan, and begin cooking risotto discs. Being mindful to not overcrowd the pan, cook each side 2-3 or until richly browned and crispy. Remove and reserve, and continue pan frying in batches.
  • Rinse tomatoes, cilantro, green onions, and jalapeno, and roughly chop. Quarter limes, and toss a couple in the fry pan for some extra depth of flavor.
  • Arrange fried risotto discs, garnish with chopped veggies and pepper, before spitting and dicing an avocado and layering on top. Finish with some squeeze of lime, a few good shakes of Chuck's Dust to really make it pop, and serve immediately.