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Glazed Spiral Ham | Recipeish | Gustus Vitae

Yield: 1 Beautiful Glazed Spiral Ham.
Time Estimate: 24 Hours.
Storage Notes: May be kept refrigerated for up to 5 days.
Difficulty: Easy.

Say goodbye to overly salty ham of mysterious origin and hello to a show stopper all of your own making. With only 30 minutes of actual prep work, you can make an incredibly succulent glazed ham, perfect for Easter dinner.


  • Bring a sous vide bath up to 155F.
  • Rub 1 cup of the brown sugar all over the pork, followed by the French Onion Seasoning and Hickory Smoked Pork Seasoning, distributing as evenly as you can.
  • Place seasoned pork shoulder into a ziplock bag, using the displacement method to force all of the air out. Repeat in a second bag - the long cook time, heat, and weight of the pork all combine to make breakage a possibility, and you definitely don't want that.
  • Carefully place pork in the bath, cover, and set timer for 24 hours.
  • At the 23 hour mark, get everything else ready, and preheat oven to 450F.
  • Carefully remove your pork from its bath. Suspend over a large bowl, and poke a hole in the bottom of the bags, allowing all of the juices to drain out.
  • Transfer pork to a large roasting dish.
  • Score pork, with the scores/diamonds as close together as you can: the smaller the diamonds the more the fat will render, giving you both beautifully juicy meat and a gorgeous presentation. Take care not to cut too deep and slice into the flesh.
  • Transfer juices to a large saucepan and bring to a boil, before reducing to a low heat, whisking in a half cup of brown sugar as you do.
  • Pop the pork in the oven, and baste with glaze every 5 minutes or so.
  • After 20-30 minutes and 4-6 glazes, the scored diamonds should be well browned but not burned, and just starting to crisp on the surrounds.
  • Remove, tent with tin foil, and allow to rest for 10 minutes.
  • Display your prize, slice table-side, and devour.