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Ultimate Avocado Toast Recipe ft. Everything Brooklyn Bagel Seasoning

Yield: 2 servings

Time Estimate: 15 minutes overall, including 13 minutes of preparation and 2 minutes cooking.

Storage Notes: Serve immediately. Don't worry - you're not going to have leftovers.
Difficulty: Easy.

Since developing our our all natural, sustainably sourced Everything Brooklyn Bagel Seasoning, we've been on a bit of a tear, using our newest spice with nearly everything we're making and eating. Here in SoCal we're no strangers to avocado toast, and we've all been enjoying the work that our test kitchen has been churning out in their quest for the the ultimate avocado toast recipe. They've come back with bad new for us, and good news for you: the testing phase has ended, and they've settled on a final recipe. We have to agree - this easy to whip up dish is the perfect way to start your morning, and we love that something so delicious can be so healthy and loaded with goodness. The how to is below:



  1. Wash tomatoes, lettuce, green onion, and dill, if you have some handy.
  2. Finely dice green onions, quarter cherry tomatoes, and slice romaine in half length-wise.
  3. In a small bowl, mix tomatoes, green onions, olive oil, and 2 Tbs. Everything Brooklyn Bagel Seasoning.
  4. In another small bowl, mix mayo with All Day Everyday Seasoning, stirring to combine well.
  5. Pop the bread in the toaster, cooking to your preferred level of doneness.
  6. Carefully slice open avocados length-wise, and remove pits. 
  7. Make a number of slices, length-wise, in the avocado flesh while in their skins.
  8. Scoop out avocado, distributing evenly on your four pieces of toast. Lay halved romaine leaves on top.
  9. Spoon on tomato & green onion mix, leaving as much olive oil as possible behind.
  10. Using small spoon, drizzle some of the All Day Everyday mayo mix on top.
  11. Sprinkle remaining reserved Everything Brooklyn Bagel Seasoning on top to finish, and garnish with dill tips.
  12. Serve, and devour.